1Csepp Pálinka Distillery
For the pálinka distillery they renovated a 100 year old „machine house” on Hegykő, at the Fertő Hanság National Park. Their visual distillery received in 2014 the „most beautiful house at the Fertő area” recognition. In their family friendly environment they combine the traditions of distilling with the most modern technology. With energetic appearance their goal is to introduce this fantastic national beverage to the younger generation as well and to let them realize the myriad of fruit flavours. Their most prestigious award so far was the Zenit grape – Late sour cherry blend, which was awarded as „The best pálinka in Hungary in 2015”. Beside this they are proud to have dozens of gold medals and several Champion award pálinkas.

Agárdi Pálinka Distillery
At the opening of the Agárdi Pálinka Distillery in 2002 the founders began the work with the intention to start a new era in the history of Hungarian pálinka by building on the century old tradition and expertise, combining it with the most modern technology. The establishment of Agárd brought a new colour into the domestic pálinka distilleries’ world: a luxury category got introduced to the Hungarian market, targeting the most demanding clientele with the finest self-made pálinka distillates. The Agárdi Manufactory today – as the result of dedicated work and attention to every detail – offers the highest quality spirits in its category. The quality of their fruit pálinkas is acknowledged – beside the feedbacks of their consumers – by several domestic and international awards as well. They believe, that the quality is first and foremost the matter of intent, which is determined by the respect of the consumer and the humility of the product.

Alexander Pálinka Distillery
The Alexander Pálinka House was founded in Szentes, it opened its gates in the spring of 2015. The delicious drinks are made at the factory by modern column technique, in two distilling pots. Their major aim is to offer quality pálinka for the demanding consumers in Csongrád county, hence in Szentes and around. Further on they are open for contract distilling as well. The characteristics of their products are the following: respect towards the traditional Hungarian flavours, excellent fruits and reserved elegance. The work has been confirmed by nothing less, than one of their first products has been selected as a Pálinka excellence.

Anemona Pálinka House
The pálinka house, which is located in Dunaalmás, in Komárom-Esztergom county, got its name, anemone after the latin name of wind flower. Their activities were started with the aim to get the surrounding people to know the art of pálinka production, to help, that with the right technology and production excellent quality pálinka could be made from the fruits. They use a modern continous distilling equipment of the Carl type made of copper to respect the traditions and craft perfect pálinka. As a commercial distillery they started operating in 2014 in order to show the products and what they mean under perfect pálinka to the public.

Árpád and Vadász Palinkas – Kisrét Manufactury
The Kisrét Manufactury Ltd. of Békéscsaba, better known as the Árpád and Vadász Pálinka, is 100% under Hungarian family ownership. After 2015, they won in 2016 once again the title of Hungary’s Most Successful Distiller, and in 2016 they also made „Hungary’s Best Pálinka” – the Premium Red Williams (Pear) pálinka. With 50 year of distilling experience, the goal is beyond conservation and development, the creation of special quality, broadening the cultural aspect of pálinka as well as the cultural consumption. At the Árpád Pálinka family the traditional pot still distillery system and the modern tower technology are used as well. From the spring of 2011 as one of the station of the Plum Pálinka Route of Békés, within a unique tourism programme package, there is a chance to show and taste the Plum Pálinka of Békés at the Árpád Pálinka Ranch. Do visit them in their family friendly atmosphere and taste their award winning range.

Bánki Pálinka House
The Bánki Pálinka House is a family venture, established through a green field investment, which started to operate in 2012 in Dunakeszi. At the distillery they work with the traditional small pot equipment, creating quality pálinkas. According to their philosophy the most important is – when producing pálinka – to wake up the very spirit of the fruit. The aim of their pálinka is, after gaining a full life from the fruit, to accomplish the task, for which the fruit was previously grown; to dazzle the consumer by its unique flavour profile.

Békési Distrillery

Birkás Pálinka Distillery
The people in the hilly countryside of Vasi Hegyhát have cultivated the plants and fruits since ancient times, from the excellent fruits there is a possibility to create pálinka. The family business was founded in 1990 by the owner couple in Győrvár, back then contract distilling took place and from the year of 2006 they operate as commercial distillery as well. Today they distribute under the brand of Birkás Pálinka their products. In their pálinka house in Győrvár the pálinka is produced traditionally in copper pot with modern equipment, they supervise every step of the production, thus they are able to guarantee the outstanding quality of every bottle. The good quality of the product is confirmed by the results of several competitions. Visitors have the chance to follow the chain of production. In their tasting house customers are spoiled by pálinka tasting. The Birkás family welcomes guests all year around.

Bolyhos Pálinka Distillery
The Bolyhos family, following the ideas of the founder, László Bolyhos, has been dealing with pálinka distillation since 1994 in their factory in Újszilvás. Owing to the development, in accordance of the requirements of the European Union, they have conducted commercial distillation since 2003 as well. Their aim is the pálinka to become an appreciated, regularly and responsibly consumed national drink again. Beside the traditional pot still distillation, they also distillate with aroma column equipment in the pálinka distillery, which is bottled mainly as 40 and 50 proof bedded pálinkas. The excellent qualitied pálinkas made from fruit bedded with their own dry fruit. They built an unique fruit drier on their own in 2018. The Party box products were developed for the 25 birthday of the company. This pack was awarded with a special prize at a competition called „Hungaropack 2020”. In their pálinka shop in Újszilvás, more than 200 products of the pálinka distillery can be viewed and purchased. In their summer and winter pálinka tasting room, they welcome their dear guests to one of their pálinka tasting programs.

Brill Pálinka House
Brill Pálinkaház is a family-owned manufactory where they have been making special pálinkas and distillates since 2000. The distillery is located in Tolna county, in a quiet environment, only 10 minutes from Szekszárd, in the village of Harc. Their motto is “Pálinka is an experience” – according to which they try to reveal the wonders of nature in front of their consumers in every drop of a pálinka. Their main goal is to showcase the purest flavors and aromas that could have been created in grapes, grape marc, fruit or even vegetables. Beside the continuous research of the possibilities of pálinka and gastronomy, they also disseminate the experiences inherent in this to be able to offer more than a glass of pálinka. In recognition of their outstandingly high professional work, they have already won four “Hungary’s Best Pálinka” and two “Hungary’s Most Successful Pálinka Distillery” titles.

Buti Pálinka House
The Pálinka distillery started its operating in 2002 within the framework of a family business – as a contract distillery – in Vas county, in Vönöck village. Owing to their professional experience, reliable technology, and persistent work, the range of their partners has been constantly expanding. Over the years, through the expansion and development, they have increased the capacity of their manufactury with additional distillation systems, retaining the pot still technology. They started bottling and commercializing their own branded pálinkas in 2013. Initially, their own grown fruits were the basis of their classical product range and then their offer was expanded by wild rarities and grape pálinkas. Nowadays they offer 27 types of pálinkas for consumers who like the good quality ones. The pursuit of perfection is manifested in the unification of the four elements – earth, fire, water and air -, which essence is Buti Pálinka.

Csalló Pálinka Manufactury
At the border of Balatonalmádi, the distillery is situated in the picturesque Vödörvölgy, they have been contract distilling since 1999 and since 2005 they have also been bottling their own branded products.
The family company is dedicated to the traditional pot-still distilling, but doesn’t discard the modern techniques and their self-developed, innovative technologies either.
Their commitment towards renewable energy and green solutions is proven, as they use natural compost, return pomace by permission and reuse cooling water. They are happy to receive visitors, gourmets on their well-shaded tasting terrace, as well as offer a distillery visit with tasting through prior bookings.

Czetis House Pálinka Manufactury
The Czetis House can be found in a small village in Vértes, in Szár. Unique in Hungary, the distilling equipment – which was made by individual design – of a functional part of the house´s restaurant. Within the spirit of the distillery, in the very best sense of meaning, it follows the Swabian customs of the village with their “blue coloured spectacular distillery”. Due to the well-founded ground, sedulous work and their aim, which is to create the very best quality of their pálinkas, they dazzled the consumers in 2015, right in the very first year of the company. The excellent quality of their products got recognized by the professional community as well, when their pálinkas received a number of awards on national and international competitions thanks to the rich and clean flavour profile, as well as elegance. Their motto: “Czetis House – the culture, the gastronomy and the home of pálinka in Szár.”

Erős Pálinka Distillery
The Erős family name has meant one with the craftmanship of pálinka distillation for generations in the Jászság. The family business, founded in 1929, is one of the oldest distilleries of the country, where experiences have been going on from father to son for more decades alloying the pálinka master engineering knowledge and with today´s modern technology in the back. Tradition and dynamism are reflected in their work, so besides keeping the traditional so-called pot still distillation, with continuous innovation and development, as a result, they came out in 2016 with their own pálinkas under the name of Erős Pálinka, the essence of valuable fruit, the Pálinka of Jászság. Their aim is to keep the recognition – they already have – with their Pálinkas, and to represent the highest quality with the most magnificent aroma and flavour in each bottle. Their expertise is confirmed by the following products as well.

Etyeki Czimeres Pálinka House
The production started in 2010 at the magnificent, eye-catching rolling hills of Etyek. Only Hungarian, flawless quality fruit is used with the most appropriate level of ripeness. They process underneath the ground with the aid of high technology. The fermented mash (cefre) is separated from the clean spirit in the Müller type of twin-distilling unit. Before bottling the raw spirit rests for a minimum of six months, at certain pálinkas they use also various wood types for maturing to enhance special flavour profile. Perfect for big family occasions as well in beautiful surroundings, ideal site for tastings and events.

Gombosi Pálinka
A Gombosi Pálinkafőzőt üzemeltető Gödöllői Tangazdaság Zrt 1992 óta működik mint részvénytársaság, 100%-ban magyar tulajdonú, központja Kartalon van. Fő tevékenysége a mezőgazdaság, Kartal és Hatvan térségében összesen közel 5000 hektár földterületen gazdálkodik.
A valódi hungaricumot előállító üzletága, a Gombosi Pálinkafőző 2006-ban kezdte meg működését. Az üzem és a hozzá tartozó kertészet Hatvan-Nagygombos-Lőrinci határában, az egykori hercegi Grassalkovich-család, majd Koronauradalom nagygombosi birtokán, csodálatos festői környezetben található. Hagyományosan, több száz éve folyt már ezen a vidéken gyümölcstermesztés. A kiváló zamatú, elsősorban csonthéjas gyümölcsök termesztésére alkalmas fennsíkon a Gödöllői Tangazdaság Zrt 260 hektáron újratelepítette saját – szilva, kajszibarack, meggy és cseresznye – gyümölcsösét, amely ma első osztályú alapanyagot biztosít a Gombosi Pálinka készítéséhez.
A Gombosi Pálinkafőző ma Magyarország egyik legnagyobb területtel és kapacitással működő, hagyományos terméket, hungaricumot előállító üzeme.

Gönc Aranyai Pálinkahouse
The history of the distillery in Göncruszka dates back to old times, as the facility was built between 1968 and 1970. Their steam-powered, traditional equipment with copper stills could distill approximately 1,800 liters of mash at a time. Alongside the establishment of the distillery, 200 hectares of apricot orchards were planted in Gönc and Göncruszka. Great emphasis is placed on tradition, as the facility has been led for 30 years by a manager who is well-acquainted with the local fruits and learned the basics of distilling under the previous leadership. For a long time, their main activity was contract distillation for locals, a service they are well-known for in the region.
In 2013, the distillery underwent significant modernization thanks to a major investment, during which most of the equipment was replaced with modern systems. They continuously expand their product range, but since the carefully selected raw materials come from their own orchards or local producers, the main ingredient in their brandies remains apricot. This includes their Gönc apricot brandy, made with exceptional care and tradition.

Gong Pálinka Distillery
The GONG Pálinka House is located in the county of Csongrád and started its operation in the town of Deszk in autumn 2017. Amongst a family friendly atmosphere, surrounded by fruit trees it became a true playground – in the most noble meaning of the word – of flavours, aromas and fruits. In the tastefully designed show distillery the visitors can follow the distilling process and of course participate in professional tastings as well. In 2019 at the Destillata International Spirit Competition, held in Austria they acclaimed the Hungarian National Winner title and made it into the European family of excellencies. The professional feedback is important for them, hence they take part in several competitions. Their achievements also show and confirm that the careful handling of the fruit and the determination for quality are rewarded. The fruit is sourced from their own 8-hectare of fruit orchards as well as from the neighbouring areas from small growers. Their irresistible pálinkas are produced by selected fruit, distilled in the continuous column. Beside the usual flavours, consumer can find true pálinka specialties as well, since their mission and passion are to showcase the pálinka culture, as broad as possible.

Gusto Pálinkahouse
Gusto Pálinka, established in 2006, strives to achieve exceptional quality using the most modern distillation equipment. The distillery is located in Lajosmizse, near Kecskemét, one of the centers of Hungarian fruit cultivation. The unique conditions of the golden sand region ensure the outstanding flavor profile of their fruit brandies. Their 15-hectare orchard in Kecskemét and its surroundings produces hand-picked, carefully selected apricots with extraordinary characteristics, made possible by the specific ecological properties of the region.
The pursuit of perfection, meticulous attention to detail, and the use of state-of-the-art technology and equipment all contribute to GUSTO Pálinka’s ability to create a product of such high quality that it offers an unparalleled gastronomic experience, even for those with the most refined tastes.

Gyulai Pálinka Manufactury
The Pálinka Manufactury of Gyula began to operate in the autumn of 2008. The majority of the process is done by hand, while several modern machines are also used, yet the proper care accompanies the path of the pálinka throughout. In 2012 the estate expanded with 15 hectares of fruit orchards. In 2015 several fruits have been planted such as: forest dogberry, mulberry, quince, plum, mahaleb cherry, apricot, Williams pear and apple tree. The future goal is to make pálinka out of own fruits, thereby increasing the quality of the pálinka. At present 56 different types of pálinka is made by the manufactory. Product families: Pálinka of Gyula, Baron Harruckern, Mélyvíz (Deep water) pálinka, ”Bedded” pálinka, Kosher pálinka.

Harmatrázó Pálinka House
Since 2009 they have produced pálinkas with great care and attention through single step technique from their own grown fruit of the middle of their 400 hectares fruit orchards in their distillery in Ceglédbercel. At the distillery the distillation, the bottling and the labelling are done by an artisanal manner. Only clean fruit is the raw material for the seductive drink and the pálinkas are kept resting for half a year before bottling, so that the flavour and aromatic notes are able to round up. The reserved elegance and the natural style are characterizing the Harmatrázó Pálinkas, which are made out of 16 different fruits . To keep the artisanal typicity of the distillery, their aim is to make year after year better pálinkas, which the trade also recognizes. Their motto: Good pálinka for good people!

The name, HI-GEM is a nearly 40 years old family business with various activities. The pálinka distillation happens in the county of Vas, in the distillery in Körtvélyespuszta-Jánosháza, where they have been producing distillates since 2012. The pálinkas have been sold since 2014. Amongst their products there are the well-known and most liked fruit types. Beside the excellent fruit condition, the good quality of their pálinka is guaranteed by the master distillery, who watches precisely over every step of the distillation. Thanks to the expertise, they are proud of their truly high quality pálinka.

Pot still Sarkadi Pálinka – Éden-tó Distillery
The family business was launched in 1983 as private distillery. Meeting the requirements of the surrounding garden owners it provided rental distillation. The current owner took over in 1997 keeping the same profile. After several years of preparation in the middle of 2009 they obtained the license of commercial distillation and at the end of the year they produced from 12 different fruits, 5 different bottles, within two different alcohol volumes. In 2009 they opened a pálinka house in the centre of the town Gyula providing the products of 50 Hungarian distilleries and 16 wineries.

Kövér Distillery
The Kövér Distillery opened its doors in the summer of 2019, located in the outskirts of Szomolya, near Noszvaj. When designing the facility and selecting the equipment, great emphasis was placed on combining tradition with modern technology and ensuring versatility. At the heart of the distillery is an Ulrich Kothe system, featuring a 400-liter copper still, a three-plate concentrating column, and a 150-liter rectifier. This technology enables both pot still and single-stage (aroma tower) distillation processes.
The distillery offers a unique, comprehensive service for private individuals to produce pálinka and has also begun developing its own branded products. The creation of its pálinkas and spirits is overseen by a highly skilled master distiller, renowned for their expertise and years of experience. The facility is equipped with everything necessary to ensure that the Kövér name stands as a guarantee of quality.

Kunság Spirit cPLC.- Mátyás Pálinka
The Kunság-Szesz cPlc. has been operating for 20 years as a family business; their main activity is the production of spirits through cold technique. Their excellent pálinkas are produced in the 2013 opened pálinka distillery, which is one of the biggest computer guided facilities of the country. The here made pálinkas are distributed under the brand name, Mátyás. All members of the Mátyás brand are elegant and clean, the fresh fruit is very much recognizable on the nose, as well as on the palate, that adds to the unforgettable experience to the consumer.

Lunczer Pálinka House
In their distillery, in Kosd, tradition and technology come hand in hand. Their diploma master distillers’ knowledge and expertise guarantee the quality. Small pot and single – enhanced mash vaporization is used to produce pálinka. The process changes from fruit to fruit, according to which system it increases the most fruity and most harmonious side of the pálinka. With great attention to detail, knowledge and humility one can produce excellent pálinka, and only if this is achieved, they will let the pálinka onto the market.

Madarasi Pálinka House
Traditional process. 100% Hungarian fruit. Premium quality. The pálinka distillery has been operating since 1943 in Madaras and since 1960 it has been led by the Lakatos family. The fruit, grown on the Southern-Plain, is excellent thanks to the region’s climatic conditions; the pálinkas, that are made out of them have a very special flavour, aroma and savoury character, that create an extraordinary pleasure for the consumer. The outstanding quality of the Madarasi Pálinkas is assured by the flawless raw material, the good technology, the expert knowledge and the more than 50 years of experience. The first commercially made pálinka was bottled in September 2008 and they still distribute them under the „Madarasi Pálinka” name.

Mályinka Pálinak Distillery
Without making compromises, the pálinkas have been produced using professional knowledge and experience since 1978 at the foothills of Bükk. The pálinkas are made with the traditional wood fired, red copper distiller and fine distiller caldrons, which today represent and preserve museum value. All aspects of the work are personally overseen: from the preparation of the fruit to the process of fermentation, slow and gentle distillation and special aging until the bottling. The ‘Mályinkai Pálinka’ is produced in limited numbers, perfect for presents, hand bottled in gift box, all of which enhance the quality of the pálinka – thus the value of the ’Hungarikum’. The product, highlighted here, received the highest esteem awarded by the professionals, since it has been chosen the best pálinka of Hungary in 2017.

Márkházi Pálinka Distillery
Márkáza is a beautifully sitated dead-end village, on the Mátra side of the Cserhát mountain. The entrepreneurship was establiched in this settlement, an association, where the members of the fondation are bound by century old fiendxhip. The aim of the Márkázi Pálinka Distillery is to create special quality pálinkas by selected Hungariuan fruit without compromises. Their guiding principles are dual: quality and innovtion. Combining the advanteges of the two step small pot and the modern one way thecnology, beside the boiling and distilling pot, they also use fractionating column for the the very first time in Hungary in extending the distillation process into three stages. The way, how they achieve truly characterful, rich flavour, yet respecting the tradition and reach out for a wide audience of pálinka lovers.

Márton Pálinka Distillery
What makes a special Hungarian product world-class? The answer can be found in any of the bottles of Márton Distillery. The pálinka master distiller’s love, passion towards professionalism, the selected fruits, raw materials and last, but not least the joy of experimenting all meet in there. János Márton considers the creation of pálinka and other fruit distillates as his passion from 1991. True to a master the products are polished every year more and more towards perfection, the quality is confirmed by several dozens of domestic and international awards. There are flavours like raspberry or Irsai Olivér grape pálinka, which are mentioned with the same breath as his name. The distillery of Márton and Daughters is a true family manufactory – in the most noble sense of the word – the unique flavours and the unmatched quality of their products symbolize what worldwide quality means in the world of spirits.

Matheus Pálinkahouse

(HU) Miskolci Likőrgyár

Nobilis Pálinka Distillery
The Nobilis Pálinka farm is situated at the foot of the Vértes Mountains and is hidden away amongst the peaceful and quiet villages at the boundary of the nature preserve forests. The mission of the well-looked-after orchard is to produce the best raw material for pálinka production. Each bottle contains at least 6 kgs of noble fruit and – in the interest of obtaining the optimal alcohol content – water, which originates from a karst spring situated at the foot of the Vértes as well. This way, all Nobilis pálinkas become 100% natural. The apricot, the plum, the pear, the apple and the sour cherry turn into a noble spirit in the distillery of the Pálinka farm where both the most sophisticated technologies and the traditions are used for the distillation. In recognition of the profession several of their products own Champion and Pálinka Excellency titles.

Palotás Pálinka House
Bordering the Great Plain, close to Cegléd, in Csemő, the Palotás Distillery opened its doors in 2012. The pálinkas are made mainly from fruits, grown nearby, therefore they truly give back the unique
flavour of the region. Both distilling and bottling are done by artisanal methods, hence all the pálinkas are unique. Beside the traditional flavours, there are varieties, such as black sour cherry, wild pear, wild apple, rowanberry, mulberry, blackberry or elderberry. They have several award winning products, one of them is the Blackcurrant Pálinka, which became Pálinka Excellency.

President Pálinka Salon

Reneszánsz Pálinka Distillery – Badacsonyi Pálinka House Ltd.
The Reneszánsz (Renaissance) Badacsonyi Pálinka House is a small family run entrepreneurship in Badacsonyörs, they have been producing since March 2012 self-made premium category pálinkas. The Pálinka Manufactory is still young, yet the renaissance is all about renewal, the flavours, feelings and emotions the rebirth and perfect harmony. The technology is known and also liked in Hungary, yet in the very spirit of the renaissance they use a special method to get more fruit aroma and intensity for all the pálinka lovers. The Pálinka Distillery is focusing on the grape varieties of the Badacsony wine region, which are under protected designation of origin, producing grape and pomace pálinka. Visit them and enjoy the pleasant flavours in a wonderful atmosphere. Join the pálinka renaissance, like they joined.

Réti Pálinka House
The pálinka distillery can be found beside Győr, in a small village, called Tárnokréti, in the building of a refurbished granary, it has been operating as a contract distillery since 2009 and also as commercial distillery since 2014. Their products are made by modern technology by one step distillery system from the well-known fruits of the region. Their specialities are the aromatic Irsai Olivér grape pálinka and the black sour cherry pálinka. Beside the distillery, in their guest house tastings are also possible. Accompanied by fine food the interested visitors will get to know the process of pálinka making, as well as getting expert advice.

Sáppusztai Pálinka Distillery
The family business started in 2005 in Sáppuszta, which belongs to the picturesque community of Damak, and at the very same place, where a building stands, that once was a noblemen’s castle. Beside respecting the traditions, innovation also plays an important role in the manufactory. At the beginning they only did contract distilling, but since 2012 they also own self-produced commercially distilled products. In order to guarantee the perfect quality they have had quince plantations since 2013 and wild plum and apricot plantations since 2016 as well. Using own-cultivated fruit, modern technology and the creativity of the master distiller, they strive to achieve the perfect quality. Pálinkas are made in limited numbers, packed with attention to detail and into unique packaging to delight the pálinka lovers.

Schiszler Pálinka Distillery
The Schiszler Pálinka is a family business, where the respect and love towards the nature, grape and fruit growing were taught by the owners’ parents. With the foundation of the pálinka distillery the aim was to create a premium product, which represents their values about the once again popular drink, the pálinka. Pálinka distillation is a true love story next to the winemaking. The outstanding quality of the pálinka is not only due to the excellent quality of the soil, but also due to the endless work of the people, who live in the region, people, who created the flourishing fruit orchards. The window, which separates the distillery from the tasting room is certainly one of the highlights of the visit and raises the heartbeat of every pálinka lover. Modern distillery, one of the country’s best fruit growing region, several decades of experience and the drive to create a quality drink in every detail – this is the secret of the Schiszler Pálinkas!

Schmieder Pot still Pálinka House
The distillery produces its pálinkás with traditional small pot distillery equipment with the help of a 450-litre steam heated and a 300-litre traditional Pistorious plate, direct steam heated refining pot. These provide the good quality spirit, the excellent flavours and the aromas. The traditional small pot distilled pálinkas are crafted by attention to detail with the excellent fruit materials of the region. The message of the company is to preserve the traditions of the so called Kisüsti (small pot) distillation and to show the unique aromas and flavours from the fruits, produced in the region, and highlight them in the pálinkas. By visiting the distillery the whole process of the production can be observed from mashing to bottling and the great drinks can also be tasted.

Somló Spirit Ltd.
At the Western foothills of Bakony, raising from the Small Plain the Somló mountain, some reckons it got its name from the reddish dogwood (“som” in Hungarian). The Somló Spirit Pálinka House was opened in 2014, with the aim to supplement the traditional winemaking of the region, through establishing the most modern technology, energy saving, environmentally sound methods to domesticate quality pálinka production. The pálinka distillery and the visitor centre are in complete harmony with the nature and their names have also been inspired by the dogwood, in Latin „cornus”. The excellent quality spirits come from the raw material of the Somló mountain and the close surroundings of the fruit grown areas around the Balaton Highlands. Their pálinka is produced with the aim of those who consume it, should get to know the region’s fruits, their scent and flavour, and be part of the enchantment as the spirit of the fruit becomes immortal in the pálinka.

(HU) Sümegi Pálinka

Szicsek Pálinka Distillery
The Szicsek Pálinka Distillery, based in the town of Tiszaföldvár, is one of the most significant sole proprietorships of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The venture seeks high quality, constant and true values, as well as authenticity. From thirty different fruits, 80 products are made by the traditional small pot technique. Attached to their name The Hungarian Pálinka House (Magyar Pálinka Háza) opened first in 2003, in Budapest, then in Budaörs, Kecskemét, Gyula, Szolnok and Szeged. In the pálinka houses they offer 1200 products from 70 distilleries, hence they are significantly contributing to the publicity of the pálinka on the domestic market. They also play an important role on the foreign market by having agencies in Romania, Slovakia, England, Austria, Canada and the USA, as well as importer of a premium

Szóráth Pot still Pálinka
The Szóráth Pot still Pálinka produces pálinka through the traditional double small pot distillation, a true Hungarikum. Family entrepreneurship with several decades of experience, which continues the pálinka distilling tradition in parts of the Unesco World Heritage region of Tokaj-Hegyalja and at area, which is under protected origin of Gönci apricot, Abaújszántó and Tállya. Grape and pomace pálinkas are virtually the iconic grape varieties of the historical demarcated wine region, the intensive Furmint, the characterful crisp Hárslevelű, the ripe and seductive Muscat Lunel and the prune aromatics of the aszú pomace with the distinct character of the terroir, the minerality. The Gönci apricot pálinka shares the marmalade like sweetness with sponge cake like character, aromatic and the long lasting fruit pálinkas show the typicity of the terroir.

Tarpa Manufactury
In the region of Szatmár-Bereg, in the village of Tarpa in a 1924 founded factory pálinka have been distilled for eight years. This tradition is continued by Tarpa Manufactory, which makes premium marmalade and pálinka from local fruits. It received several Hungarian and international awards in the last 17 years. Lately their plum pálinka of Szatmár won gold medal on the World Spirits Award organized in Klagenfurt, their apple pálinka of Szatmár won silver medal, and the Tarpa Manufactory received the „First Class Distillery” award.

(HU) Tokaj Spirit

The Várda Drink Pálinka Distillery has one of the longest traditions in the country, excellent pálinkas have been made here since 1953. As time moved on, they combined the traditional techniques with modern methods, today they also produce pálinka with the most modern, computer-controlled distillery systems. Their pálinkas received numerous national and international awards. Especially noteworthy are the apple pálinka of Szabolcs and the plum pálinka of Szatmár, which are under protected origin, and also eligible for the Excellent Hungarian Quality Food trademark.

Villányi Pálinka- Magyarbólyi Pálinka Distillery
The Pálinka Distillery of Villány is located 4 km from Villány, situated in Magyarbóly. Their pálinkas and brandies are made from fruit and pomace, sourced from the region and from the famous wines of Villány. Their main profile is the pomace and grape pálinka, as well as the brandy and the spirit, made out of the fine lees of the wines. Their philosophy is to make the best pálinkas out of the best raw materials. After the wine culture of Villány, their aim is to lead the promotion of the pálinka culture of Villány, to point to the fact, that the local grape, pomace pálinkas and brandies, made from the wines of the region, can also proudly line up and support the local traditions of Villány.

Zimek Pálinka Manufactury
The Zimek Pálinka Manufactory started to operate in 2005 in Zamárdi. The distillery works to this very day with the mission in mind, that from the fruits grown around the Balaton, high quality pálinka shall be produced. The Zimek brand has received a number of awards and recognition amongst the pálinka lovers and expert judges during the last 11 years. Several outstanding achievements were reached on national and international competitions as well, and they were awarded three times the best pálinka distillery workshop of Hungary. The business is led by a new ownership, which is committed beside the founding philosophy and sees it as important to increase the fame of the premium pálinkas on the national, but also international scene. The philosophy: „Fresh fruit, clean water, expertise, tradition”.

Zsindelyes Pálinka Distillery
The Zsindelyes Pálinka Distillery started to operate in 1984 as a family business in Érpatak in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The name of the distillery recalls the classical roof material (“zsindely” meaning “shingle” in English) of the region, hence highlighting the traditional pálinka distillation as well. Through strict quality expectation and professional precision the outstanding flavour profile and the aromas create their pálinkas, making them one of the most well-known brands of the country. Their tasting house is like a museum, here the object of the industrial, historical time tells stories about the past pálinka production and the pictures explain the story of the Zsindelyes Pálinka Distillery. All can be experienced by the visitors, accompanied by excellent pálinkas and traditional food – like the stuffed cabbage á la Szabolcs style.

Bajai Pálinkafőzde
The Bajai Pálinkafőzde has been offering an ever-expanding range of services to its partners since its establishment in 2015. They began their operations with contract distilling services and launched their commercial business activities in 2017. As a result of continuous development, their product portfolio now includes 30 different types of pálinka. Customers can choose from traditional fruits such as apple, apricot, and sour cherry, as well as unique options like mulberry, elderberry, and sloe, along with bedded pálinka products. Their tasting room can accommodate groups of up to 35 people. Their primary goal is to make Baja renowned not only for its famous fish soup but also for its traditions in pálinka production. Their dream is to create a place where everyone enjoys stopping by for a glass of pálinka.

Cruxx Gemina Wines&Spirit
The pálinkas of Cruxx Gemina are made in their distillery, which was established in 2011 in Nagykeresztúr in Nógrád county, using first and foremost berries and wild fruits, that are typical for the region. The distillery also produces traditional products, but always focuses on premium quality. With their activities they try to strengthen the region’s fruit growth and processing, with their technical and spiritual infrastructure, they provide the development of quality fruit production and the control of the processing. The creative wines and liqueurs, made out of real fruits, are the part of their product portfolio. With their innovative and new products, they wish to show the unique rich flavours of the region and the country, the endless possibilities, which lie in the fruits.

Madarasi Pálinka

Medicina Hungariqum Pálinkaház

Öregetesi Palóc Pálinka

Panka Pálinka Manufaktúra
Panka Pálinka is a family business dedicated to producing high-quality pálinkas from exceptional ingredients. With years of experience and professional expertise, they craft spirits characterized by flavorful, enjoyable, and unique tastes. Using local and special varieties of raw materials, they ensure their pálinkas make every occasion truly memorable. The passionate team behind this endeavor consists of Viktória Gálos and Antal Fogarasi, who bring their enthusiasm and dedication to every bottle.

Spiritus Primus

Szigetköz Lelke Pálinkaház
The Distillerywas founded in 2009 and is located in the uniquely named Dunakiliti-Tejfalusziget. The owner describes its geographic position as “In the middle of nowhere, yet close to everything.” Designed as a classic artisanal distillery, it also serves as a showcase distillery, allowing visitors to follow the pálinka’s journey from fruit mash to refined spirit.
The manufactory is passionately committed to producing high-quality, handcrafted premium pálinkas, combining tradition, state-of-the-art technology, and ever-evolving expertise. Their tasting room offers a serene environment for those who wish to delve deeper into the world of pálinka, complemented by engaging stories and delicious locally prepared snacks.
The distillery has received both domestic and international recognition, with experts ranking their spirits among the finest. Here, guests don’t just taste pálinka—they experience the very essence of the fruit.