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National Pálinkas of Excellence Program
National Pálinka Excellence Program
National Pálinka Excellence Program
Pálinka Judging Committee
Nemzeti Pálinkakiválóság Program 2020
Online nevezési felület
Agrárminisztérium pálinkája
– The Pálinka of the Ministry of Agriculture 2020
– The Pálinka of the Ministry of Agriculture 2019
Pálinkakiválóságok 2023
Book of Hungarian Pálinka Excellences
Pálinka Houses
Hasznos információk
Fruit categories
The professional tasting of pálinka
The production technology of the Pálinkas
Bar Pálinka, Tokyo
Products (spirit drinks) protected under the European Union’s Geographical indication (GI)
Journey’s into the gastronomy: Pálinka and Food
The aroma wheel of Apricot Pálinka
Pálinka in the word of coktails
Aroma wheel of Red Williams Pear Pálinka
About the sents – by Zsolt Zólyomi perfumer and pálinka-mater
wild elderberry