The National Pálinka of Excellence Program is committed to responsible alcohol consumption.
By entering the website, you confirm that you are of legal drinking age in the country where this site is accessed.

Products (spirit drinks) protected under the European Union’s Geographical indication (GI)

In the European Union, the protection of geographical indications for spirit drinks is governed by Regulation (EU) 2019/787.

The specific rules for each spirit drink are set out in the so-called technical files.

In the Fruit spirit and Grape marc spirit chategories Hungary have

9 registered geographical indications:

  • Pálinka,
  • Törkölypálinka,
  • Békési Szilvapálinka,
  • Gönci Barackpálinka,
  • Kecskeméti Barackpálinka,
  • Szabolcsi Almapálinka,
  • Szatmári Szilvapálinka,
  • Újfehértói Meggypálinka,
  • Vasi Vadkörtepálinka,

8 applied, temporarily under national protection geographical indications:

  • Nagykunsági Szilvapálinka,
  • Nagykunsági Birspálinka,
  • Madarasi Birspálinka,
  • Homokháti Őszibarack pálinka,
  • Nagykörűi Cseresznyepálinka,
  • Sárréti Kökénypálinka
  • Göcseji Körtepálinka
  • Pannonhalmi Törkölypálinka

Each technical file can be found in the eAmbrosia European Union Geographical Indications register  here, 

and they are also available on the European Commission’s GIview website here.